Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Palace to be

**the arrival of  Your Highness Clubbin Queen**trumpet blowing

do imagine shrek while typing that
just dun turn into troll when nite falls (thank god)
 if its the case of cinderella that only limit up to 12am
oh well this is the opposite.the clubbinella.(sounds weird) bahahahha, arrive at 12am and it is where all the handsome prince at (10% chance)

some of the hiphop finest DJ, with a mashup of electro fairy and bouncin Emcee
spacious dancefloor 3 inches from the floor and mirror like signs..
we ladies of royale music definitely stuck shakin our asssets till they said its time to go home

bottles come cheap there and of course originality of taste are preserve (talkin about the booze)
we love the night where we were served champagne (feel so expensive) XD

get treated like we did. or better

the red carpet, the friendly ambassador, the super fast waitress, clean bathroom and awesome management team

The Palace, Sheraton Imperial Hotel--KL

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