Monday, April 12, 2010

E.N.V.I.E ~ ~ ~ me???

and the jooze keep comin to get me
or is it the other way around??hmmmmmmm

went up the stairs..enter and loving the shiny-glowy-so-many colours lights-flashy dance floor
ok..ok..i admit it
i was there for that..and then the music

like always--the place of ol skool rnb, new age hip-hop..less electro mashup..totally lovin it--hail to the DJ KC & DJ Chalie D

it was fun to see the dance floor only packed at 1.30am..then they were gone
you guys drink at the same time is it? or rather line up to go to the bathrooms

the beverages was a lil bit expensive..the service thank god is quite ok
im a very concern customer (complaint-with-manner queen to be exact)
---LOL--- yeah.. i get to dance to all the corner, follow the flashy lights and forget the eyes that are watching

the reason to be there is to get 'envied'--LMAO--its not the hair is it??

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