Monday, April 5, 2010


a weekend of great--ness--
party, socializing, moving, lost-while-driving, mood swing, speed zone-ing
oh did i mention that


thursday--loft and catch up with frens

ladies nyte of mash-up
and salsa-ing(i dunno where that came from) but to have one great dance partner and cute one also seriously..made my nyte........

the fren that live in calcutta for so long was THAT desperate to club in kl

friday--the after party of sum awards..exactly the name i cant remember..
but it have sumthin to do with the mmu people--hollaaaaa

we had nevada and dichi michi comin ova to crash the party
DJ Emmir--the uprising hiphop dj star at only ma brother's age,
emcee shahril and others that i still cant remember the name till now
is so much entertaining..lets do it again mannnnnnnnn

thanks a bunch to ma bud in office--jepun fo being the master'evil'mind, faizal of The Studio and the bartender for an awesome after party
ma frens who came all the way to cyberjaya!!woot--woot
this is what we call a collaboration of 2 worlds and it doesnt crumble to the sea
and we shud do it again???my turn brahhh

we had the battle of the decks of various mixed
~~~drama of e nite~~~LMAO

crashin at their place and win the blackjack


the all cold-up there-massive lightings and head bangings-coolest dj-cutest guy-pretty lady party
it was my first and may be the last....
it was foggy, it was packed, it was legal, it was clean and it was FUN!!!

until i was left with ma brah aimy coz the "cleanliness" of the party make ma frens dun stay long....EHHH??

a few race up and almost killed us race down..

did i tell u i saw Lady Gaga there???? (@.@)

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